A human being behind your monitor ,far from you
(too old to reply)
2004-08-07 07:43:25 UTC
I have a great neccesity and I need inmediate and professional help.
Have a heart-lend a hand!
I have no special professional help available(I haven't found some
professional or counselor that I can afford and that has worked with
me effectively)
I am alone and most of the people don't understand that I am
clinnically depressed according to several dianostics.
A Major Depressive Disorder for almost 2 years(about the time I
entered high school) since it began progressively and that was left
untreated by prejudices and ignorance even on my own,but later, very
late I and my parents realzed it was a severe mental illness.In my
case it seems that the causes are unkown.
So I need that you offer me a place to live and some food.
Please only while I recieve my treatement.
I will pay it forward in the time I am healed with all myself and I
will keep this in my mind until I die .I can design webpages using or
creating animations or most of the work a secreatary can do.Or I can
translate texts both sides English to Spanish aided with online
technical dictionaries in case
I took some time ago about 2 years of piano lessons with a misionary
altough I never learned to improvise.
Let me encounter the long awaited hapiness, I 've just been longing,
for this harsh,long and sometimes undescribable state.
It's desesperating
Can anyone show me they have a beatibg heart?
It's so frustrating and unbelivable that when I want to help people
with my talents I can't because I caan't even understand what is going
on with me
If there is anyone willing to help please let me know where you are
located so I can tell the people that is going to arrange the
situation with a public school and organization or other arrangements
since I am considering to join a clinical trial such as those run by
NIMH or privately sponsored and I need to consider all the
alternatives.Unfortunately in the
third world the status of social investment is not good(I honestly
have not found any kind of support group or the like) amd funding in
clinical trials, is very low.And there are almost none non profit
oganizations dedicated to the Mental Health wellness
I am open to discuss anything by email or in this forum.
Thank you
I strongly believe you will help me find it
2004-08-07 15:20:31 UTC
Post by Daniel
I have a great neccesity and I need inmediate and professional help.
Have a heart-lend a hand!
I have no special professional help available(I haven't found some
professional or counselor that I can afford and that has worked with
me effectively)
I am alone and most of the people don't understand that I am
clinnically depressed according to several dianostics.
A Major Depressive Disorder for almost 2 years(about the time I
entered high school) since it began progressively and that was left
untreated by prejudices and ignorance even on my own,but later, very
late I and my parents realzed it was a severe mental illness.In my
case it seems that the causes are unkown.
So I need that you offer me a place to live and some food.
Please only while I recieve my treatement.
I will pay it forward in the time I am healed with all myself and I
will keep this in my mind until I die .I can design webpages using or
creating animations or most of the work a secreatary can do.Or I can
translate texts both sides English to Spanish aided with online
technical dictionaries in case
I took some time ago about 2 years of piano lessons with a misionary
altough I never learned to improvise.
Let me encounter the long awaited hapiness, I 've just been longing,
for this harsh,long and sometimes undescribable state.
It's desesperating
Can anyone show me they have a beatibg heart?
It's so frustrating and unbelivable that when I want to help people
with my talents I can't because I caan't even understand what is going
on with me
If there is anyone willing to help please let me know where you are
located so I can tell the people that is going to arrange the
situation with a public school and organization or other arrangements
since I am considering to join a clinical trial such as those run by
NIMH or privately sponsored and I need to consider all the
alternatives.Unfortunately in the
third world the status of social investment is not good(I honestly
have not found any kind of support group or the like) amd funding in
clinical trials, is very low.And there are almost none non profit
oganizations dedicated to the Mental Health wellness
I am open to discuss anything by email or in this forum.
Thank you
I strongly believe you will help me find it
you can come here but you'll need a car
