Post by PBDoes anyone have a cheap room to rent ? I don't wanna live in my car.
Gonna be more expensive to live in my car than my apartment, and damn
cold in winter.
Really, you put in all the niceties of a building but nobody tested
the basics ? Nobody said "Hey Joe, go downstairs and see if it sounds
like a Nazi jackboot parade when I walk on my bare feet on hardwood
floor. See if you think Kristallnacht is coming and you thank God
you're not a Jewish shopkeeper."
Really ? Just wanted to toy with us, give us false hope ? Let my
parents see me avoid my apartment all the time or move into my car
before they die ?"
'Eenie meenie miny moe, let's build it out of cardboard papier mache."
"Let's leave the real building at the architect's office and put up
the scale model up on the street site. They'll never know the
I feel like calling Leni Riefenstahl and letting her film whatever the
fuck my upstairs neighbour is doing all day and night up there. Feels
like Nuremberg. Grand scale activity. She's building the fucking
Fourth Reich."